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Renewable Energy & Sustainability Statements

Renewable Energy & SustainabilitySustainability statements are now a critically important part of both planning and the overall tender process. It is essential that potential schemes are properly thought out and are then steered safely through this process.

Developers are increasingly being required to consider the sustainability of a development during the planning process and to demonstrate how sustainability issues will be addressed. These requirements will include a sustainability report covering land and building use, materials, noise, water use, and recycling & waste, as well as energy efficiency.

As part of the planning application a pre-assessment is required to demonstrate that the scheme is capable of achieving the Code or BREEAM target Level.

The legislation and regulations covering this area are complex and disjointed. Schemes can fall within different codes and rules, and the cost implications for a scheme can be very significant depending which regulatory framework the scheme falls under. In addition to this already complex area, many authorities also impose their own further requirements with respect to provision of renewable energy sources in line with the London Plan, and many also require housing schemes to reach levels within Code for Sustainable Homes.

Watt Energy & Consulting Engineers Limited are constantly looking at all technologies in an attempt to reduce carbon output (and costs) to our clients. We produce sustainability and renewable energy reports on all our developments to enable our clients to install the correct and most effective energy solutions. We look at established and innovative technologies to fit the site and development, and we build excellent relationships with planning authorities and building control, liaising with them to ensure our schemes are fully understood and that the appropriate level of code is achieved for the development.

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